Our Community
From 2020 to 2022, our organization achieved many great things to ensure members of our community felt safe and secure, in a region where everyone belongs.

Community Engagement

Operational Service Delivery

Collaborative Partnerships

Equity & Inclusion
Community Engagement
Continued collaboration with Victim Services of York Region on sexual assault investigation reviews
Installed an Indigenous crosswalk, designed by the Chippewas of Georgina Island and the Town of Georgina, at the Community Safety Village
Continued focus on senior safety and preventive education regarding scams
Created a new social media marketing and intern program with York University
Operational Service Delivery:
Continued development of the York Regional Police Pandemic Plan
Enhanced regulatory partnerships to disrupt, deter and dismantle organized crime
Engaged in multiple public safety and vulnerable road user campaigns, such as Be Safe, Be Seen
Numerous presentations delivered to external partners on the Run, Hide, Defend active attacker survival strategy
Collaborative partnerships:
Formalized Greater Toronto Area Commanders Network with police services to coordinate work and promote inter-jurisdictional information sharing
Developed new partnerships with mental health facilities to connect people experiencing homelessness with additional services and support
Collaborated with child protective service agencies to combat human trafficking
New partnership with the Solicitor General of Ontario to create scenario-based training for persons in crisis
Equity and Inclusion:
All members of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Bureau completed online Indigenous training through the University of Alberta to increase cultural competency
Hosted the 2022 Hate Crime Conference with attendees from across Canada
Focused recruitment efforts on diverse communities through various engagement events
Formalized weekly engagement sessions with frontline patrol officers and religious leaders in their community
Community Focus Highlights
See What We Accomplished
Your friendly neighbourhood Community Support Officers are now patrolling Vaughan.
— York Regional Police (@YRP) March 24, 2023
These special constables attend calls, collect evidence and keep citizens safe.
If you see them around, say hi! They are happy to help with community safety issues: https://t.co/CwC0aeaMql pic.twitter.com/qj6mq2BVeA