Objectives and Actions

As an organization, we continue to ensure that our decisions, actions and processes best serve the needs of our people and our community. In the current business plan, we have identified four shared objectives and how we will advance those priorities, both internally and externally.

Safety and Well-being

To support the safety and well-being of our members and our community, YRP will:
Our People
  • Modernize key business processes and practices to enhance the effectiveness and safety of members.
  • Continue to develop member capabilities to proactively respond to emergencies and keep public order.
  • Enrich and promote resources that support members’ biological, psychological, social and spiritual health.
Our Community
  • Expand regional law enforcement and crime prevention strategies to address emerging and ongoing crime trends such as auto theft, guns and gangs, organized and violent crime.
  • Continue to collaborate with community partners to identify and prioritize risks that contribute to crime, victimization, and harm.
  • Implement a road safety strategy that ensures safe people, safe vehicles, and safe streets.


Inclusion and Belonging

To strengthen inclusion, belonging, and trust within the organization and community, YRP will:
Our People
  • Collaborate with members to ensure that organizational processes and procedures are equitable and inclusive.
  • Develop and implement a comprehensive equity and inclusion strategy, focusing on addressing racism and racial discrimination.
  • Support members’ understanding of YRP priorities and objectives through an effective and engaging communications strategy.
Our Community
  • Enrich engagement with youth, seniors, victims, vulnerable residents, members of Indigenous communities and diverse groups.
  • Ensure inclusive policing practices to support community in alignment with YRP’s Inclusive Policing Action Plan.
  • Cultivate new and existing relationships with community partners and citizens to ensure that programs and services meet community needs.

Innovation and Continuous Improvement

To enhance services and processes to serve our community, YRP will:
Our People
  • Explore new approaches to align resources, including people and facilities, to meet the needs of a people-first organization.
  • Broaden evidence-based solutions to support crime prevention and law enforcement practices.
  • Leverage technology to support innovation and achieve strategic and operational objectives.
Our Community
  • Enhance customer service and satisfaction by modernizing tools that facilitate access to resources and services.
  • Provide access to crime statistics, trends, and data to promote transparency and support crime prevention.
  • Evaluate the deployment of front-line service delivery and internal processes to ensure optimal use of resources.

Recruitment and Retention

To promote a people-first approach to recruit, retain and enhance talent to serve our community, YRP will:
Our People
  • Strengthen members’ knowledge, skills and abilities to support personal and professional growth.
  • Provide flexible work arrangements to support member well-being.
  • Implement a people-first leadership framework to guide members’ career success.
Our Community
  • Promote programs and events to attract and mentor potential candidates.
  • Enhance hiring practices that are inclusive and reflective of the community we serve.
  • Develop evidence-based strategies to inform talent acquisition processes.